AKB Developments Ltd
t/a Cross Keys Hotel
AKB Developments Ltd (the Company) trading as Cross Keys Hotel, accepts its responsibilities for premises and sites operating during the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic and the need to ensure we are protecting our workforce and guests, while minimising the risk of spread of infection. This policy is intended to introduce consistent measures in premises and sites of all sizes in line with the Government’s recommendations on social distancing. These are exceptional circumstances and the Company will comply with the latest Government advice on Coronavirus at all times.
The Management have, in the first instance, carefully looked at the business and enabled all those who can and who should work from home to do so. Where this has not been possible, the Company has undertaken a risk assessment to make the working environment as safe as it possibly can to follow the Government’s guidance on Coronavirus.
A risk assessment has been undertaken prior to any business activities resuming. A copy of this is available on our website (,) and has been shared with all staff prior to reopening. A copy of our risk assessment document is available on request.
The regular health and safety requirements of any business activity will also not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely due to a lack of suitably qualified personnel being available or social distancing being implemented, it will not take place. We are aware that emergency services are also under great pressure and may not be in a position to respond as quickly as usual.
Management personnel will be reminding all staff at every opportunity of the Company Operating Procedures which are aimed at protecting them, their colleagues, their families and the UK population. We are aware of the requirement to consistently implement and maintain the measures as set out within this COVID-19 policy document. Click here to view our policy document.
This policy will be reviewed monthly and revised as necessary in response to any changes in legislation or guidance on methods of working. Employee’s, contractors, suppliers, and consultants are all required to cooperate with us in making this policy work.
Grant Ballantyne
July 2020